
Computer room lightning protection safety technical specification

scanning: author: from: time:2022-10-12

Source: Lightning Protection Network


Computer room lightning protection safety technical specification

Due to the high voltage, high current and transient characteristics of lightning, strong lightning generates electrostatic field, electromagnetic field and electromagnetic radiation, as well as lightning wave intrusion, ground potential counterattack, etc., collectively referred to as lightning electromagnetic pulse LEMP, which seriously interferes with radio communications and various electronic equipment normal work, causing damage to many microelectronic devices within a certain range. IEC pointed out: "Lightning, the natural enemy of high technology". Because the lightning protection electromagnetic pulse LEMP is not guaranteed by the Franklin lightning rod and other direct lightning protection systems. Lightning strikes release hundreds of joules of energy, which is very different from the millijoule level of energy that can affect sensitive electronic equipment, and requires a reasonable engineering protection method. It is necessary to protect both direct attack and lightning electromagnetic pulse LEMP, which is called comprehensive lightning protection project.


For comprehensive lightning protection work, one is to protect against direct lightning strikes; the other is to prevent lightning electromagnetic pulses.

The ways for lightning electromagnetic pulse LEMP to attack electronic equipment are: lightning energy acts on various wires connected to electronic equipment, forming lightning waves or induced overvoltages that invade electronic equipment along the wires, including distribution lines, signal lines, and antenna feeders; lightning The direct intrusion and coupling of energy acts on the electronic components, causing the components to malfunction and damage; the ground potential counterattacks, damaging the insulating materials of the components of the equipment. Block the various ways for lightning energy to penetrate into electronic equipment, so that the thundercloud discharge energy with a voltage of hundreds of thousands of volts and a current of tens of thousands of amperes will attenuate to tens of volts, The level of several hundred milliamps is the main task of lightning protection workers of electronic equipment.