
How lightning rods work

scanning: author: from: time:2021-11-29

The lightning rod usually consists of a grounding body, grounding lead wire, and lightning connector. Usually, the flashing device adopts round steel or steel pipe with length of 1-2 meters and diameter of 15-20 mm, which is fixed on the upper end of the pillar and connected with the grounding body by grounding lead down line.

When it comes to rain or snow, some tall buildings can sense a lot of positive charge in charged clouds. When a lightning cloud discharges close to the ground, it distorts the ground electric field. During this brief discharge process, a huge amount of electric energy is instantly converted into energy such as light and heat, resulting in the destruction of buildings.

Due to the pointed design of the top of the lightning rod, when the electrostatic induction of the lightning rod needle will accumulate a large amount of charge, between the lightning rod and thESE clouds form a capacitor, and the charged clouds form a path, thus actively attracting lightning to the lightning rod discharge.

When the lightning rod is installed higher than the building, the field intensity at the lightning rod is very large due to the tip discharge effect, and the lightning will only discharge between the charged cloud and the lightning rod, so as to effectively prevent the damage caused by lightning to the building.